Just A Few Updates For 2014

Happy 2014 friends!  We thought we would give you a few updates on some Sombrance related stuff for 2014.  So here they are in a ‘frequently asked question’ format.  Incidentally, no one really asked any of these questions ;-)

1) Will Sombrance record ANYTHING in 2014?  

I suspect that we will do some recording as we have a lot of new songs.  I’m not sure what the format will be as of yet, but this website will be the place to find out!  

2) Will Sombrance play live ANYTIME in 2014?  

Yes, the band is planning to do some live shows.  We have a strong “one show every other year” streak to maintain and we plan to keep it in 2014!  In all seriousness, we hope to do more live stuff going forward.  Please be patient with us…  we’re old with sore backs.  No seriously…  you should hear the groaning at the end pf practice as we stoop down to pack up our gear.

3) Will you guys post more stuff about the band here and on Facebook and Twitter?  What about interviews? We have to know more about this enigma that is Sombrance!  

Well, sure.  Generally speaking I (Rick) post notes here on sombrance.com once every three months and Kevin posts videos he likes on the Sombrance Facebook page.  But if that’s not enough for you, well we can start posting updates from practices and other such fun events.  For example, we have a cache of hundreds and hundreds of spontaneous ‘jams’ that we recorded and archived.  It’s been Kevin’s job to go through all of those jams and pick out the ones that we think we should develop.  He’s only up to early 2011 at this point, but last week he brought in an old song we had called “Why Should She Smell Like That?”  I didn’t remember playing it, but with that sort of title, I’m anxious to re-hear it!  So, yes, we will make more notes about the happenings around our little unknown world.  Also, I (Rick) will be appearing on Ian Baird’s new podcast in the coming weeks to spout off about music and probably goats.  I’ll get you guys the link as soon as I have it. 

4) What about Kevin and Thomas’ project called Floodwater?  

Well the singer/guitarist, Marcus Tiongson has left the mighty St. Louis to follow his job to Washington.  So at this point, Floodwater is slightly less active than Sombrance… I kid.  Hopefully the guys will still be able to make some music despite the long distance.  

5) What about Rick’s projects, Ishur Ninku and Unicks Face?  

Thanks for  asking.  I plan to put both of those projects to rest here in 2014.  I recorded an Ishur Ninku EP that was never released.  That should be released some time this year and it will close the book on Ishur.  Unicks Face will also be shutting down this year with a compilation disk called “Sorry For This: The Songs of Unicks Face”.  The compilation will include a song or two that was never released.  These will be made available digitally on iTunes, Amazon, etc.  Who buys CDs anymore?

6) Hey, I’m in St. Louis on a Saturday and I want to hang out with some rock stars.  Where should I go?  

We have no idea.  But you can hang out with us plain old people on many Saturday nights by simply reporting to Fallon’s Pub in Olivette, MO.  Great place, great food!


I couldn’t get to all of the unasked questions due to lack of time.  But thanks for reading about the happenings of our wayward band!  Also, thanks to all of you who bought our Christmas singles on iTunes, etc.
