It’s been another long while since you’ve heard from us.  So we thought we’d update you on what we are and aren’t doing.

Here’s what we aren’t doing.  Constructive things, productive things, sitting around in a circle reading nursery rhymes to Kushins, eating meat sacrificed to idols, playing concerts in stadiums, enjoying the 98 degree days of summer or having intellectual discussions with Zoo animals…  well maybe we’ve done the last one… a bit.

What we ARE doing is far more interesting.  We have attended more concerts this year than normal (for old guys).  Rick and Kushins’ backs hurt worse than normal.  Rob found more Simpsons shirts to wear.  Kevin bought a new car to replace his 17 year old Saturn.  Kushins bought a new car to replace his 11 year old Nissan.  Tom got promoted at his job.  Rick and Kevin have spoken at Men’s Prayer Breakfasts and continue to work in a homeless ministry.  Rob continues to serve on his church worship team.  Kushins continues to play organ for various Mass services.  Tom grew hair and then cut it all off.  All of the guys ate at some place once that was NOT named Fallon’s.

Oh yeah – another thing we’ve done.  We purchased recording equipment.  A bunch of it.  Once we get it all set up, we plan to record some of the many, many songs that we’ve written together.  So perhaps you will soon be able to hear songs like The Mystic Traveler, Why Would She Smell Like That, Gnomes Tell Good Stories, Amber Dim, Drifting, Moto-Mama, Treedom, Summer or any number of our other ‘gems’.

Happy August and may the sun hit you at all the right angles.
